Karima Baloch Murder Seeks UN Intervention

The Workers Rights
2 min readDec 29, 2020

The Karima Baloch killing is now being taken up by the United Nations on the request of Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC). The Baloch human right’s activist Karima Mehrab Baloch was extremely vocal about Pakistan’s treatment of the people of Baluchistan.

According to a letter sent to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in which the BHRC has explicitly stated that Karima was exiled from Pakistan and found refuge in Canada, where she was mysterious murdered a few days ago.

Since 2015, Mehrab had been making use of the social media to create awareness about ill treatment of Baluchistan’s inhabitants at the hands of Pakistani authorities. He used her social media profile to highlight abductions, torture, forced disappearances and other human rights violations that people in Baluchistan were being subjected to by the Pakistan government and the army.

The letter also states “Her family and political friends believe that Pakistani secret agencies are involved in the death of Karima Mehrab and have rejected the initial report of the Toronto police. Taking into consideration the track record of human rights violations by Pakistan’s secret services and the threat of many high-level military personalities including a former commander-in-chief of the Pakistani army, to eliminate those dissidents who have taken refuge in western countries, we are requesting that you should kindly take personal initiative to ask Canadian authorities for conducting a thorough investigation taking into account the context in which Karima Baloch had fled Pakistan. We will be grateful if a United Nation committee could take the matter into its consideration.”

It has also been reported that the repeated calls by the Baloch political parties and human rights organizations, has contacted the UN earlier. However, no action had been taken against Pakistan to force it “to change its course of actions to spare innocent civilians and dissidents from this violence”.

It has been noted that most Islamic countries are not adhering to any rule of law when it comes to freedom of speech and expression. In the past, internet access by Iran had been blanked and US had to intervene to get the citizens the right to communication. Journalists, human rights’ activist and researchers have been seen imprisoned in Iranian jails on trumped up charges. This trend is also prevalent in Turkey and Pakistan.




The Workers Rights

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